A simple visualization of a couple graph traversal algorithms in Javascript.
A simple visualization of several sorting algorithms in JavaScript.
A reimplementation of Conway's Game of Life with TensorFlowJS.
Created a custom Canny Edge Detector that can detect edges from a camera in near real time.
A bird flocking simulation using the Boids algorithm.
An extension to Netresec's Opensource NetworkMiner computer forensics tool.
A solution to the Travelling Salesman Problem using a genetic algorithm.
A recreation of Conway's Game of Life with Javascript.
Created a blogging app using Next.js and Firebase based on the tutorial by Fireship.io. Added in a custom markdown editor to simplify article editing for the user with a similar design to DEV.To
Built a real-time face detection/recognition command line program using OpenCV. Also implemented a near real-time canny edge detector using the same system