A reimplementation of Conway's Game of Life with TensorFlowJS.
Created a custom Canny Edge Detector that can detect edges from a camera in near real time.
A bird flocking simulation using the Boids algorithm.
An extension to Netresec's Opensource NetworkMiner computer forensics tool.
A solution to the Travelling Salesman Problem using a genetic algorithm.
A recreation of Conway's Game of Life with Javascript.
Created a blogging app using Next.js and Firebase based on the tutorial by Fireship.io. Added in a custom markdown editor to simplify article editing for the user with a similar design to DEV.To
Built a real-time face detection/recognition command line program using OpenCV. Also implemented a near real-time canny edge detector using the same system
Created a custom Canny Edge Detector that, given an input image, a value for sigma, and values for high and low thresholds, outputs the edges of the image.
Created and experimented with several Reinforcement Learning Agents including DQN, A3C, and PPO to play in Lockheed Martin’s OpenAI Gym environment: “Everglades”